Healthy Mothers and Children: The Heart of Communities

A healthy body and mind are fundamental to a good quality of life. In Canada, we have the building blocks of good health: nutritious food, clean water, sanitary living conditions, and access to medical care.

Around the world, many women and children aspire to the same opportunities for a healthy life. But there are challenges: families often lack the money, time, knowledge, and services they need to stay healthy. Tackling these challenges sounds like a big job, but success is possible.


Image: Infographic Health is a key factor in breaking the cycle of poverty. Healthy mothers can raise healthy children. Healthy children can go to school, grow up to contribute to their families and become leaders of their communities.

In Canada, we have the building blocks of good health: nutritious food, clean water, sanitary living conditions and access to medical care. BUT every year, millions of mothers and children in developing countries in Africa and Asia die from preventable causes.

Download this infographic to learn more about maternal, newborn and child health. To achieve results for mothers and children, Canada focuses its programming on three paths:

  • Strengthening health systems
  • Reducing the burden of disease
  • Improving nutrition


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Breaking the cycle of poverty: Healthier mothers, healthier children Breaking the cycle of poverty: A strong foundation for every child  Daring to Deliver


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